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Many companies like to test their advertising, products and the services they offer on the people who these are aimed or will be aimed at. That way they can ensure successful ad campaign, sell their products effectively and offer the services most wanted. To do this, they often employ independent companies to carry out research across a spectrum of people. This research can be in the form of on-the-street questionnaires, over the phone questionnaires, one to one interviews and group discussions. This is market research and Market Research Recruitment specialises in recruiting focus groups and depth interviews.a

Jackie Taylor, the Managing Partner, has over nine years experience in recruiting for Market Research and prior to this was a Company Director for over 30 years, in a successful Import-Export Giftware Company. Her wealth of business knowledge derived over this period has enhanced her ability to deal with people from all walks of life and developed her understanding of what clients are looking for in recruiting the right respondent for product research. Our record in finding high quality respondents to fit even the most challenging specifications is unrivalled.


"Reassuringly Professional"

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