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privacy statement
t: 020-8954-4577

This site is administered by Market Research Recruitment (MRR) - 10 Hathaway Close - Stanmore - Middlesex - HA7 3NR

Your privacy is important to us and we promise to respect it. Information about your visit to this web site will not be sold or traded to any other organisation. Your registration details will only be used to advise you about relevant MRR information, and you may
unsubscribe from receiving this at any time.

We are committed to helping you enjoy a positive website and email experience and safeguarding your privacy, however, we cannot guarantee the security of any information transmitted over the internet, and you do so at your own risk.
We disclaim any responsibility or liability for information for any third party handling policies, and we recommend you are careful and responsible when providing personal information while interacting with any third party while online.

Data Protection Act  1998 
MRR is a registered Data Controller under the 1998 Data Protection Act, registration number Z9952414

Registering on the MRR website marketresearchrecruitment.co.uk
If you decide,on this occasion, not to register on our database, by quitting the form without saving, your information will not be logged on our computer. 

MRR will only use your personal details to provide the necessary information required by our clients to fill research projects.

Data Protection Act you have a right of access to the personal information we hold about you. If you wish to receive this, and be sent a copy of the information we have , then please request it in writing, along with a £12 administration fee - please make cheques payable to Market Research Recruitment. If you wish to check your information informally, e.g. to make sure we have your correct address, you may do this at any time by email or phone - (terms apply)

What does MRR do with my personal details?
MRR is a member of the Association of Qualitative Researchers. All of our clients are also members of this organisation. The information you supply us with will only be used by us for market research purposes. It will never be used to try and sell you anything.

Please let us know immediately if any of our clients have contacted you directly or your personal information has been used for any other purpose. 

If at any time you wish to unsubscribe from our database, please go to registration page and click on edit/remove link and you will be removed immediately.


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